Manual build for maximum performance

The packaged installation methods are portable and the same executable can be safely shared between different machines with the same basic architecture (x86, ARM).

Building rq for a specific CPU makes it not portable, but creates code explicitly optimized for the machine its built on, enabling better performance.

Building from source

Building from source requires your machine to have the rust tooling available. We default to linking with lld, so you need that as well.

First, clone the rsonpath repository:

git clone

Building and installing is done most easily with just:

just install-native

Without just one can use:

RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native" cargo install --path ./crates/rsonpath

Building from

You can enable native CPU codegen when installing from as well, by overriding rustc flags.

RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native" cargo install rsonpath

Verifying native optimizations are enabled

To verify that your rq installation has native CPU support, consult rq --version and look for target-cpu=native in the “Codegen flags” field.

$ rq --version
rq 0.9.1

Commit SHA:      05ced6146b2dcc4e474f2dbc17c2e6d0986a7181
Features:        default,simd
Opt level:       3
Target triple:   x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Codegen flags:   target-cpu=native,link-arg=-fuse-ld=lld
SIMD support:    avx2;fast_quotes;fast_popcnt