Who is this book for?

The book is divided into three parts, each targeted at a different audience.

  1. Part I – CLI User Guide is aimed at users of rq. It covers installation and basic usage, JSONPath query language reference, and advanced tips and tricks on juicing every last bit of performance out of rq.

  2. Part II – Library User Guide is aimed at developers looking to utilize rsonpath-lib in their projects. It contains an overview of the API surface and a breakdown of all configuration knobs that can be tuned for performance.

  3. Part III – Developer Guide is aimed at developers looking to contribute to rsonpath. It goes into the nitty-gritty details of the codebase, but should still be relatively broad and approachable.

Regardless of which category of users you fall into, you need to understand JSONPath queries. We describe the semantics in JSONPath Reference.


See Acknowledgements for references, citations, and special thanks.

This book is maintained as part of the rsonpath project, and thus is a collective work of the contributors. The reader should note, however, that I, Mateusz Gienieczko, am the primary editor, and I take responsibility for the contents within.

Unless otherwise specifically stated, all the contents of the book are licensed under the MIT license, excluding any external content to which hyperlinks appear in the text.